Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Mandalay Technological University
Patheingyi Township, Mandalay
Dec 2015-Dec 2018 | Doctor of Philosophy | Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Yangon Technological University |
Dec 2009-Sept 2011 | Master of Engineering | Department of Information Technology, Mandalay Technological University |
Jan 2001-Aug 2004 | Bachelor of Engineering | Department of Electronic and Information Technology Engineering, Mandalay Technological University |
Dec 2019-Present | Associate Professor | Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Mandalay Technological University |
Dec 2013-Dec 2019 | Lecturer | Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Mandalay Technological University |
April 2012-Dec 2013 | Assistant Lecturer | Department of Information Technology, Mandalay Technological University |
Dec 2008-April 2012 | Assistant Lecturer | Department of Information Technology, Technological University (Monywa) |
May 2005-Dec 2008 | Assistant Lecturer | Department of Information Technology, Government of Technological College, Myingyan |
Nov 2004-May 2005 | Assistant Lecturer | Department of Electronic & Information Technology Engineering, Mandalay Technological University |
Jan 2001-Nov 2004 | Demonstrator | Department of Electronic and Information Technology Engineering, Mandalay Technological University |
Current Teaching Subjects | Internetworking with TCP/IP Engineering Circuit Analysis |
Research Interests | Internet of Things (IoT) Software Defined Network (SDN) |
Responsibilities | Supervising CoE, Master, Ph.D researches, Teaching |
Registered Engineer (still applying) | @Myanmar Engineering Society |
1 | Khaing Marlar Aung and Nay Min Htaik (2020): Entropy-based Anomaly Detection on Multi-controllers of SDN Tree Architecture, in Scientific Journal of Innovative Research 2020, Monywa, Myanmar, Vol-02, Issue 01 |
2 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2019): Performance Evaluation of Semantic-based Middleware using IoT Techniques, the YTU Journal of Engineering, Yangon, Myanmar, Vol.28, Issue.01, pp.145-152. |
3 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2018): Improvement of an Interoperable and adaptable Middleware using IoT Semantic Web Technologies, the International Journal of Computer (IJC), Amman, Jordan, ISSN: 2307-4523 (Print & Online), Vol.28, Issue.01, pp.101-111. [Online] Avaliable: index.php/InternationalJournaOfComputer/article/view/1147 |
1 | Khaing Marlar Aung and Nay Min Htaik (2020): Anomaly Detection in SDN’s Control Plane using Combining Entropy with SVM, in the IEEE 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology Conference (ECTI-CON 2020), Phuket, Thailand, ISBN: 987-1-7286-6486-1. |
2 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2018): Enhanced IoT-based Interoperable and Configurable Middleware using Semantic Web Techniques, in the IEEE 15th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology Conference (ECTI-CON 2018), Chaing Rai, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-5386-3555-1, pp.721-724, July 2018. |
3 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2018): Efficient Design and Implementation of an IoT-Middleware using Semantic Web Technologies, the 11th National Conference on Science and Engineeering (NCSE 2018), Yangon, Myanmar. |
4 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2017): Development of a Fully Interoperable Middleware Framework based on IoT Techniques, in the IEEE 21st International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC 2017), Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN:978-1-5386-0787-9, pp.290-294. |
5 | Nay Min Htaik, Nyein Aye Maung Maung and Win Zaw (2016): An Interoperable Semantic Middleware for Smart Agriculture based on Internet of Things, in Proceedings of AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference for Computer and Information Engineering (RCCIE 2016), Yangon, Myanmar, ISBN:978-99971-0-231-7, pp.294-299. |
6 | Nay Min Htaik and Su Wai Phyo (2011): Throughput Analysis of WPA2-Personal Security In Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, The Fourth National Conference on Science and Engineering, 2011, Northern Myanmar, Vol.2, pp.1454-1458. |