Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-21013 | Applied Electrical Engineering |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
CE-21003 | Mechanics of Materials MOM I |
CE-21002 | Building Materials BMC |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-22013 | Principle of Electrical Engineering |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
CE-22003 | Mechanics of Materials MOM II |
CE-22002 | Building Constructions |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
EP-21012 | Lighting & Illumination |
CE-21003 | Mechanics of Materials MOM I |
Ar-21021 | Descriptive Geometry |
Ar-21022 | Architectural Drawing & Practices |
Ar-21024 | Introduction to Visual Design |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
CE-22003 | Mechanics of Materials MOM II |
Ar-22014 | Introduction to Visual Design II |
Ar-22018 | Computer Application in Architectural Design |
Ar-21021 | Descriptive Geometry II |
Ar-21022 | Architectural Drawing & Practices II |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-21013 | Applied Electrical Engineering |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
ME-21021 | Computer Aided Drawing I |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-22013 | Principle of Electrical Engineering |
ME-22021 | Computer Aided Machine Drawing, CAD/CAM II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
EcE-21011 | Basic Analog Devices I |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
EcE-21001 | Circuit Theory I |
EcE-21021 | Digital Fundamental I |
EcE-21012 | Semiconductor Theory I |
EcE-21014 | Technical Programming I |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
EcE-22011 | Basic Analog Devices II |
EcE-22021 | Digital Fundamentals II |
EcE-22012 | Semiconductor Theory II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
EcE-22001 | Circuit Theory II |
EcE-22014 | Technical Programming II |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-21033 | Computer Programming Language I |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
EcE-22012 | Semiconductor Theory II |
EP-21011 | Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis I |
EP-21014 | Basic Electronics |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-22033 | Computer Programming Language II |
EP-22011 | Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
EP-22014 | Basic Electronics |
EP-22014 | Fundamental Measurement |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
IT-21011 | Digital Logic Design I |
IT-21021 | Engineering Circuit Analysis I |
IT-21014 | Programming Language I |
IT-21013 | Introduction to Computer System |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
IT-22014 | Programming Language II |
IT-22021 | Engineering Circuit Analysis II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
IT-21012 | Graph Theory |
IT-22011 | Digital Logic Design II |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
McE-21012 | Factory Control Engineering I |
McE-21046 | Digital Electronics I |
McE-21019 | Computer System Architecture and Programming |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
McE-22046 | Digital Electronics II |
McE-22012 | Factory Control Engineering II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
McE-22049 | Introduction to Industrial Control and Programmable Logic Controller |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
ME-21021 | Computer Aided Drawing I |
Ch.E-21011 | Material Balances |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
ME-22021 | Computer Aided Machine Drawing, CAD/CAM II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
Ch.E-22011 | Energy Balances |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-21013 | Applied Electrical Engineering |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
Min-21011 | Principles of Mining Engineering I |
Min-21021 | Engineering Materials |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
EP-22013 | Principle of Electrical Engineering |
Min-22011 | Principles of Mining Engineering II |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
Min-22013 | Mine Surveying |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-21001 | English |
EM-21003 | Engineering Mathematics |
WS-21012 | Workshop Technology I |
ME-21015 | Engineering Mechanics |
NT-21012 | Engineering Circuit for Nuclear Electronics |
NT-21014 | Natural Radiation Environment |
Subject Code | Field of Study |
E-22001 | English |
EM-22004 | Engineering Mathematics |
NT-22022 | Electronic Devices for Nuclear Engineering for NE |
ME-22015 | Engineering Mechanics II |
WS-22012 | Workshop Technology II |
NT-22024 | Radiation Biology for NE |