Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mandalay Technological University
Patheingyi Township
Ph: +95-428336940,
Jan 2006 – Aug 2008 | Master of Engineering | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological University (Mandalay) |
Aug 2015– Present | Lecturer | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mandalay Technological University |
Current Teaching Subjects | Manufacturing Systems and Automation, Engineering Economy |
Research Interests | Control of Manufacturing and Automation System |
Responsibilities | Supervising COE and Master researches Teaching and Managing Stuffs |
1. | Raphael, Aye Aye Thet, KhinSoeNwe(2018). Design of Furrow Opener and Closer for the Manual Seed Sowing Machine,The Twelfth National Conference on Science and Engineering, NCSE-2019. |
2. | AYE AYETHET , AUNG KO LATT , SAN YIN HTWE , THAE SU TIN (2018).Design of Mixed-mode Natural Convection for Solar Agricultural Crop Dryer, DEC 2018 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-8880 |
3. | AYE AYETHET , AUNG KO LATT , SAN YIN HTWE , THAE SU TIN (2018). Performance Analysis of Active Solar Water Heating System. NOV 2018 | IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 5 | ISSN: 2456-8880 |
4. | Wai Lwin MaungMaung Han, EiEi Htwe, Aye Aye Thet. Design and Fabrication of Seed Metering Device for Manual Seed Sowing Machine,The Twelfth National Conference on Science and Engineering, NCSE-2019. |